Başlık | Yazar | Yayınevi / Kuruluş | Yayın Tarihi |
Measuring Empowerment - A Methodological Approach | Pradhan | Society for International-SAGE Development -SAGE | 2003 |
Governance and Monitoring Indicator | Malito-Umbach | 2015 | |
Indicators of Gender Equality | UN | 2015 | |
Gender and Indicators | Esplen-Bell | Bridge Indicators-UNDP | 2007 |
Gender Scorecard of WorldBank-Posttsunami | Dennis-Yunus | Gender Action | 2008 |
Gender and Indicators Owerview Report | Moser | UNDP | 2007 |
Guide to Gender Sensitive Indicators | Canadian International Development Agency | 1997 | |
Küresel Cinsiyet Uçurumu Endeksi (Global Gender Gap Index) | Dünya Ekonomik Forumu | 2017 | |
BM Binyıl Kalkınma Hedefleri | Birleşmiş Milletler | Birleşmiş Milletler Türkiye |